2月10日 日本・千葉で誕生
音楽活動開始. きっかけは当時好きだったヴィジュアル系の音楽を聴いていて自分でもやってみたくなったから. 『PIERROT』のコピーバンドでボーカル担当.
2ピースノイズパンクバンド・『The Velvet PunX』でボーカル&ベース担当.
2013年-2014年 『the cocaine's pix(第1期)』
岩手にて1人弾き叫びパンクユニットとして『the cocaine's pix』(読み:コカインズピックス)始動.1年間活動した後、活動停止.(第1期)
この頃、盛岡・Club Change Wave、Club Change、東京・高円寺 Club ROOTS!出演.
2014年-2018年 『The Schrödinger』
再結成した『PIERROT』のライブを観て感銘を受ける.同年、『the cocaine's pix』で1人で演奏していた自作曲をバンドでやりたいと思い、3ピースノイズパンクバンド・『The Schrödinger』を結成.(-2018年活動停止.2019年解散.)
『The Schrödinger』活動停止後1年間を詩作に専念する.
2019年春 『the cocaine's pix(第2期)』,『嫩嫩Injection』
東京の福祉系専門学校へ在学中、アルコール依存症が悪化、毎日飲んだくれていた折に高田馬場駅前で路上演奏していた『魔ゼルな規犬』と遭遇. 彼の主催イベントの前座へと誘われる. 同年2月、アルコール依存症が悪化し入院する.入院しながらアルコールを断つために、作業療法的に表現活動を再開する.
ヴィジュアル系ノイズアートユニットとしてコンセプトを掲げ、『the cocaine's pix』活動再開(第2期).
魔ゼルな規犬主催ライブイベントにて第2期初ライブを東京・渋谷La.mamaで行う. 同年より、自身の新しい表現の形としてノイズポエトリーリーディング、アイロンビーズコースター、アナログイラスト、ホラードール制作開始.音楽とアート双方向からの表現を試みた『ノイズアート』という概念を提唱し、この時期は特にアナログイラストとノイズミュージックの融合を試みる実験的表現を楽曲・物語『UFOノ唄』とイラスト『UFOノ詩』、楽曲・物語『少女の憂鬱』をSNS、ライブや展示先で発表し試行錯誤していた.
『the cocaine's pix』主催ライブ『君≠僕ノ共生動物園』を東京の無力無善寺・中野天獄各々で行う.
『the cocaine's pix』と並行してノイズアートユニット・『嫩嫩Ingection』をデジタルアーティスト・人形作家・ノイジシャンのふなこしるば(『ノコギ子』)と結成(-2020年). 同ユニットでデジタルアート・ホラードール・音楽といった多角的な表現を共作する.
2020年-2022年 『the cocaine's pix(第3期)』
コロナ禍の中、アルコール依存症の治療を受けながら、断酒しつつ、『the cocaine's pix』名義でデジタルアート制作を始める.(第3期) 並行してホラードール制作を継続. 各SNSで作品投稿を継続的に行う.
2022年10月1日 『NonNonΔddiction.』,『the cocaine's pix(第3期)』
2023年 『egg Artworks』,『NonNonΔddiction.』,『the cocaine's pix(第3期)』
4月、『the cocaine'spix』初主催展示会『虹ノ病』展を東京・中野天獄にて行う.
6月、『egg Artworks』名義で初となるホラードールの出展を東京・しげんCafé greenにて行う.
2024年 『egg Artworks』で初となるNFTコレクショ『egg_Strange_Wonderland』をNFTマーケットプレイス・OpenSeaにてリリース.
『NonNonΔddiction.』名義でNFTマーケットプレイス・OpenSeaにてNFTコレクション『No More Alcoholic!!』(日本語で『ノー・モア・アルコール依存症!!』)リリース予定.
February 10, 2010: Born in Chiba, Japan
2010 Early activity
Started music activities. The reason for starting my music career was because I was listening to Visual-kei music which I liked at that time and I wanted to try it myself. She is a vocalist in a copy band of "PIERROT".
In 2011, he joined a two-piece noise punk band,
Vocal and bass player in a two-piece noise punk band "The Velvet PunX".
2013-2014 "the cocaine's pix (Phase 1)"
Started "the cocaine's pix" as a one-man punk unit in Iwate. (1st period).
Around this time, they performed at Club Change Wave in Morioka, Club Change, and Club ROOTS in Koenji, Tokyo.
Around the same time, he became increasingly troubled with interpersonal relationships and became dependent on alcohol.
2014-2018 "The Schrödinger"
He was impressed by the live performance of the reunited "PIERROT". In the same year, he formed a 3-piece noise-punk band "The Schrödinger" to play his own songs that he had been playing alone in "the cocaine's pix" with his band. (The Schrödinger" is a three-piece noise punk band.)
After "The Schrödinger" stopped its activities, the band devoted one year to writing poetry.
Spring 2019 "the cocaine's pix (Phase 2)"
While attending a welfare college in Tokyo, I was drinking every day due to worsening alcoholism when I encountered "Mazelnakiken" who was performing on the street in front of Takadanobaba station. I am invited to perform as an opening act for an event he is organizing. In February of the same year, my alcoholism worsened and I was hospitalized. While hospitalized, I resumed expressive activities in order to get rid of alcohol. The cocaine's pix" resumes its activities (2nd phase) with the concept of a visual-kei noise art unit.
The first live performance of the second stage was held at Shibuya La.mama in Tokyo, hosted by "Mazelnakiken." In the same year, I started making noise poetry readings, iron bead coasters, analog illustrations, and horror dolls as a new form of expression for myself. I proposed the concept of "Noise Art", which attempted to express both music and art, and during this period he experimented with the fusion of analog illustrations and noise music, especially with the song/story "UFO No Uta" and the illustration "UFO No Shi", and the song/story "Girl's Melancholy", which he released on SNS, at live performances, and at exhibitions.
- The cocaine's pix" will host a live concert "Kimi ≠ Boku no Kyosei Zoo" at Nakano Tengoku and Muryoku Muzenji in Tokyo.- Live performances and exhibitions under the same name in various parts of the Kanto region.
In parallel with "the cocaine's pix", he formed the noise art unit "嫩嫩Ingection"(-2020)with digital artist, puppet artist, and noise musician Funako Silva ("Nokogiko"). With this unit, we co-create multifaceted expressions such as digital art, horror dolls, and music.
2020-2022 "the cocaine's pix (3rd period)"
In the midst of the Corona disaster, while undergoing treatment for alcoholism and sobriety, he begins creating digital art under the name "the cocaine's pix". At the same time, he continues to create horror dolls. Continuously posts his works on various social networking sites.
October 1, 2022 "NonNonΔdiction.", "the cocaine's pix (3rd period)"
Renames "嫩嫩Injection" to "NonNonΔdiction." (read: NonNonAddiction), a gothic digital art project by one egg, and resumes activities.
In April 2023 "egg Artworks", "NonNonΔdiction.", "the cocaine's pix (3rd period)"
In April, "the cocaine'spix" held its first exhibition "Niji-no-Yamai " at Nakano Tenkoku, Tokyo.
The meaning of the title of this exhibition directly translates to "Rainbow Disease. "
In June, the first horror doll exhibition under the name "egg Artworks" was held at Shigen Café green, Tokyo.
In 2024, he released his first NFT collection "egg's Strange Wonderland" under the name "egg Artworks" at NFT market place OpenSea.
In 2024, NFT collection "No More Alcoholic!" at NFT Marketplace OpenSea under the name "NonNonΔdiction. will be released at NFT Marketplace OpenSea.